Membership Application
We appreciate your interest in the Guild, and hope you’ll enjoy participating in our many exhibit and learning opportunities.
We would like to get to know more about you and about your artwork. Our members are very diverse not only in mediums but also skill levels, from very new artists to seasoned, traditionally trained artists.
We would like to be able to connect artists with similar interests.
We also want you to know and recognize how the Guild organization depends on its members to make it work for all of us.
The CoBACH Center is our display and art space on Main Street in Brighton that the City supports for us. We share the location with the Brighton Area Historical Society and are responsible to the City to keep the building active.
To that end, our part as the Guild is to be responsible to be Gallery Greeters for approximately 150 shifts each year. This involves being at CoBACH for a 3 hour shift
It’s not difficult to do – very easy to learn; and it helps our presence and continued visibility of our Art on Main Street – which is a pretty cool place to be! If each member were to take a shift or two throughout the year that it would easily cover our obligation.
(Note that artists exhibiting in Public Places venue are required to sit for two shifts.)