Current Exhibits
GUILD on the Road Winners
Exhibit runs from March 11th to May 10th
Art at the Chamber of Commerce

It never ceases to amaze me how many unique and creative ways nature finds to get my attention. My mind slows down from the busy-ness of everyday living as I breathe and take the time to be in the present moment. Nature photography is my way of sharing this connection with as many people as possible, hopefully bringing them the same joyful peace. I am an avid native-plant gardener who began using my passion for photography to document my garden journey through mostly close-ups of flowers and pollinators. The more photos I take, the more I realize that I see the beauty of nature in a way that inspires others. “Nature knows just what we need and tries to guide our way, to spend time with her beauty at least once in every day.” --Lynn O’Shaughnessy